» מאמרים » Jewish cemetery in Călărași (Moldova)

Jewish cemetery in Călărași (Moldova)

The old Jewish cemetery in Călărași is located on Alecu Donici Street, at its very end, on a hillside. According to available information, it was organized in 1790.

The cemetery is guarded; the perimeter is about 750 meters. It has a metal mesh fence about 1.5 meters high, partially destroyed in some places. The land under the cemetery belongs to the local municipality.

The post-war part of the cemetery is more well-groomed and cleared of vegetation, while the old territory is very overgrown. However, there are some traces of clearing of individual burials, which, apparently, are carried out by the descendants of the deceased, who do not have the opportunity to visit the cemetery often. According to various estimates, there are from 1,500 to 5,000 graves in the cemetery. At the same time, the oldest matzevah that could be identified dates back to 1820.

There is evidence that local enthusiasts have created a project - a cultural route for tourists, which includes a visit to the old Jewish cemetery and the former city synagogue. In this regard, within the framework of the project, a new fence, a gate should be installed, its territory will be ennobled: gazebos, rubbish bins and other objects necessary for people to visit.

Also, in Călărași there is another place for the burial of Jews, or rather, a section at the municipal cemetery in the suburban village of Vatamaneasa. The Jewish site is located in the northern part of this cemetery near its gates. The perimeter of the Jewish section is about 85 meters.

The front of the municipal cemetery is protected from the outside world by a concrete wall, and its back side by a metal mesh. At the same time, the Jewish section itself is not separately fenced. There are about 50 gravestones there, the oldest of which is dated 1987.

Today, both the old cemetery on Alecu Donici Street and the Jewish section in Vatamaneasa are visited by the descendants of the Jews buried there, as well as by tourists.