» מאמרים » Cemetery Yuzhnoe 2, Gomel

Cemetery Yuzhnoe 2, Gomel

One of 20 cemeteries in Gomel located along the Chernigov highway behind the village of Tsagelnya. Now, the cemetery is closed, but subburials are allowed on it.

The Jewish sector of the cemetery occupies approximately 70% of the territory. It is located in the central part of Yuzhnoye 2. According to local historians, the Jewish part of the cemetery contains about 1.4 thousand graves with readable tablets, which have preserved both anthroponymical and chronological data.

The earliest burials date back to the 1940s. So, in the cemetery there is the grave of Kazakov Mikhail Shakhnovich (1920-1941). Among the graves of the same period: Morozov Anatoly Filippovich (1911-1943), Bereza Motel Yankelevich (1888-1944). Attention is drawn to the grave of Zaraiskaya Tsilya Moissevna, on the tablet of which it is indicated that she died in 1943.

Late burials date back to 2000. These are the graves of Itskovich Sofia Iosifovna (1930-2005) and Kagan Lyubov Semyonovna (1923-2007).

Most of the gravestones are standard for Soviet times with inscriptions in Russian. However, there are also exceptions. So, on the grave of Kaplan Isaak Moiseevich (1884-1964), an inscription in Hebrew is made on the slab at the top, and in Russian at the bottom. On the tombstone of Mednikov Yuriy Abramovich (1903-1963), there is also an inscription in Hebrew. At the burial place of Kaplan Malka Litmanovna (1911-1963), the Star of David is inscribed near the letters of the surname.

The grave of Malkin Miron Solomonovich stands out from the total number. The monument is intact, but there are no chronological data on it. On several graves, anthroponymical data are written in the form of initials. For example, Bruch R.H. (1938-1973), Azov S.L. (1870-1959), Hoffman H. D. (1884-1963).

The family grave of the Briskins attracts attention. The tombstone contains portraits and anthroponymical data of five people. At the top are two portraits with signatures: Briskin Benjamin Izrailevich (1894-1962) and Briskina Riva Lazarevna (1896-1977). Below are three portraits with inscriptions: Briskin Boris (1918-1943), Briskin Iosif (1925-1965), Briskin Yakov (1922-1943).

It is interesting that the cemetery has seven more single graves of people with the surname Briskin: Briskin Iosif Leibovich (1908-1976), Briskin Mark Vladimirovich (no date of birth. Died 1970), Briskin Semyon Vladimirovich (died 2006), Briskin Polina Abramovna (1913 —1960), Briskina Riva Leizerovna (1883—1971), Briskina Roza Izrailevna (1902—1978), Briskina Sarra Zalmanovna (1936—1989).