» מאמרים » Glukhovskoe cemetery, Noginsk, Russia

Glukhovskoe cemetery, Noginsk, Russia

Noginsk is a city in the Moscow region with a population of over 100 thousand people. Until 1930, it was called Bogorodsk.

Glukhovskoe cemetery is the first suburban cemetery in the city. It originated on the eastern outskirts of the city behind the city's manufactures. It got its name from the village of Glukhova. It arose at the end of the 19th century near the Orthodox Trinity Church.

Sources say that in 1895, residents of the city of Bogorodsk initiated its creation by sending a request to the city authorities. Glukhovskoye cemetery became the first city cemetery, and was divided into four sections according to confessional lines: Orthodox, Old Believers, Muslim and Jewish. For a long time, the Old Believer and Jewish sections coexisted. However, during the Second World War, military graves appeared between them.

The first who was buried in the Jewish site, sources call the city hairdresser of Bogorodsk Yakov Mikhailovich Zelentukh. Burial date - 1916.

Glukhovskoye cemetery in Noginsk has been cataloged. The electronic register contains 387 burials, where chronological and anthroponymical data can be read, and about 11 tombs, where either the dates or the names of those buried have not been preserved.

So, on one of the graves you can read only the dates 1925-1994. On one grave, there are the dates 1886-1961 and the initials of I.Ya. On another grave, only the surname Bziginskaya has survived. Five burials have names and patronymics. Moreover, three of them belong to the 1990s:

• Valeriy Aronovich (1931-1990).

• Evgeniy Grigorievich (1946-1993).

• Zinoviy ​​Iosifovich (1927-1991).

Two burials are dated 1940s and 1950s: Aron Elyevich (1888-1944), Yakov Isaakovich (1895-1956).

The latest burial belongs to Sergei Mikhailovich Chelyshev (1928-2013).

Most of the graves are granite slabs with Russian inscriptions. Sometimes there are Jewish symbols. The burial of Grigoriy Mikhailovich Rosenhaus (1883-1961) stands out from the general row. The tombstone is a stone slab, most of which is occupied by Hebrew inscriptions. Only at the bottom are the anthroponymical data of the deceased in Russian.

There are many family burials at the Glukhovskoye cemetery, which have information about several deceased on one slab. The earliest were the burials of Zelentukh Raisa Afraimovna (1885-1919) and Bereginskaya Sophia Yakovlevna (1886-1920).