You can contact us using skype, icq, telephone, or request a call back by filling in a form for feedback or find us in social networks Facebook and odnoklassniki.ru

Our contacts

  • Skype- habbadnik
  • ICQ - 178349749
  • telephone in USA +1 3478096811
  • telephone in Israel +972 538276811 (viber, whatsapp)


To find the burial begin to consistently introduce the letters of the name, surname and/or patronymic. Enter data sequentially choosing options from the drop-down list. If the text you enter does not appear, you should reduce the amount of input data (try typing only the name and surname, or name and patronymic). If the search does not work, you need to go to advanced search. If none of the above methods works, you only need to enter one of the search items (only name, only surname, only first name, or year of birth/death). It is necessary to choose the city and the cemetery.


If it turns out that there is no burial you need at any cemetery in our Catalog, it most likely happened due to the following reasons:

  • creating the photographic record we could accidentally skip one or several burials, for what we apologize;
  • it is impossible to read the inscription on the monument;
  • the monument is separated from the pedestal and lies marked down;
  • monument on the grave is destroyed.

However, we are always ready to help you to find and bring the burial of your loved ones in good condition,but we need the most complete information about the location of the place of burial. It will be helpful if you provide us with the full name of the deceased, year of birth and death, the city in which the cemetery is located and the name of the cemetery, sector (Jewish or mixed) and number of the parcel. It would make our work easier if you have a photo or do you know about the distinctive features of the burial (the color and material of the monument, the shape and height of the fence), particularly the neighboring graves, trees and other.

If you do not exactly know the location of burial, we can help you to find it. However, about the possibility of conducting searches we can speak only after receiving more detailed information as outlined above. The cost of searches depends on the size and complexity of each cemetery. We individually review every monument, every inscription on every grave.

If burial is in cemetery that is not mentioned in our Catalog, we can produce for you an individual search of burial you are interested in. The cost of such services is negotiable. In the process of the search, we make a photographic record of the cemetery. It will ensure you with lowest cost search. At the same time, all photos taken in the search process, are our intellectual property.

We will do our best to find the burial, however, we can’t completely guarantee finding the burial for objective reasons.


There are few methods of payment in the Catalog:



  • PayPal - in all countries where it is available
  • Direct bank transfer in shekels to an account in - for Israeli citizens only. Bank details are provided after placing an order.
  • Bit transfer - for Israeli citizens only
  • Transfer in Russian rubles from card to card - only for cardholders of the Russian Federation. Bank details are provided after placing an order.


In order to find out the cost of nonstandard services, EMAIL US about the burial which we are talking about and what specific services you are interested in. We will reply you as soon as possible.


We do not provide archive services. However, we have extensive contacts with Jewish communities in different countries. We always strive to help everyone who contacts us.


We have extensive contacts with Jewish communities in different countries. We always strive to help everyone who contacts us.

If you need to find relatives in a particular city, we may ask the local Jewish community to clarify for You this information. Write in more detail HERE, we will be able to help you.


The presence of a burial in our catalog does not determine the nationality of the deceased. Photos were taken in both completely Jewish and mixed cemeteries. Our goal is to preserve the memory of the deceased.


If you are a relative of the deceased, you have the right to request from us, without explaining the reasons:

Hide the list of services and their costs from the burial page, leaving the name and photo of the deceased to preserve the memory.


Completely remove the burial from the catalogue.

To do this, send your request in the feedback form or contact us by email. Indicate the burial code or a link to it.

If this is a request by mail, please send any document confirming your relationship with the deceased (or a death certificate, or a burial certificate). All documents will be destroyed upon receipt and will not be stored by us. If this is a request through the feedback form, we will simply respond to you with a request to provide the documents specified above.

Within 48 hours (excluding holidays and weekends) your request will be satisfied.